Restaurants & Clubs
Snack Lab
Healthy and Convenient Snacks and Grab + Go MealsHealthy and Convenient Snacks and Grab + Go Meals
Ziggi's Coffee
Elevating Every Sip, Every Bite, Every Time. Enjoy top-quality coffee, friendly service, and customizable options.Elevating Every Sip, Every Bite, Every Time. Enjoy top-quality coffee, friendly service, and customizable options.
The Buttered Biscuit
Home to the Best Handcrafted Breakfast in the South!Home to the Best Handcrafted Breakfast in the South!
Bike Rack Brewing Co.
A microbrewery located in the heart of Bentonville, AR featuring quality craft beer, a spacious patio, and a large taproom.A microbrewery located in the heart of Bentonville, AR featuring quality craft beer, a spacious patio, and a large taproom.
21c Museum Hotel Bentonville
21c Museum Hotel Bentonville is a 104-room boutique hotel, contemporary art museum, cultural civic center, and home to The Hive restaurant.21c Museum Hotel Bentonville is a 104-room boutique hotel, contemporary art museum, cultural civic center, and home to The Hive restaurant.
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